We’re a Company Builder and Investor

About Us

We’re a team of former and exited founders and investors who feel most at home when we’re imagining new products and services and advancing these from idea on napkin to product in market and scale.

Our Work

We’re in the business of rapidly evaluating new opportunities and when we feel we’ve put our finger on the next big thing, we double down with investment and resource.


We’ve built a competency in the zero to one of new venture validation and development. We have a strong thesis on areas where we place bets based on lived experiences that inform our view of how technology can solve existing challenges. We work backwards from customers and invest in areas where we have deep problem empathy and a unique advantage that enables us to build and scale products in these areas.

Our Team

We’re a dozen designers, engineers, growth marketers, business leaders and investors with the core competencies that together allow us to quickly validate and build early product. As a small team, we know each other well and have deep trust in the team. This means we can move fast and adjust as the best startups do. And we are always looking for superstars to join our team.